Whether your budget allows for wall decals or a wall mural, we will work with you to transform your vision into a powerful advertising machine. No matter the size of your wall, we will install your wrap so it appears as though it is hand-painted art.
Car Wraps | Truck Wraps | Box Truck Wraps | Trailer Wraps | Van Wraps | Food Truck Wraps | SUV Wraps | Vehicle Lettering
Enhance and vivify your walls with wall murals!
Wall murals are one of the most impressive and affordable advertising tools a company can have. These large scale prints are digital images from photos to illustrations. They are designed to standout and fit the style of your professional setting. Our professional team will produce a wall mural guaranteed to catch the eye and deliver a clear message to consumers daily.
Learn more below:
Increase your return on investment faster!
A wall decal is an image of graphic printed onto 3M material. When designed properly your workspace it will deliver a great impact to your customers. We use the same high-quality 3M Control tac car wrap vinyl to produce wall decals, but less material and less labor during the installation equals big savings. Increasing your return on investment even faster.
These are designed mainly for indoor use and are a great option for your office, business, retail space and even your home!
Enhance and vivify your walls with interior wall lettering!
Similar to wall decals, wall lettering is a great way to enhance the overall appearance of your workspace. From start to finish Empire will work with you to create the design of your dreams.
To Much is Less!
A great wall wrap design is crucial and the number one factor to providing the quickest return on your investment. When creating your design we have two key factors, make it eye catching, and make it readable. If these two key factors are not achieved you will not be able to maximize your return on investment. When meeting with our design team you will be asked a series of questions. These questions will help us determine a value of each piece of information you provide for your wall wrap. The business info with the highest value will be the first piece of info consumers will see or read on your wrap. The goal is to steer the eye of the consumer across each piece of business info provided in a specific order or path. For example if you want to direct consumers to your website. We will give your website the highest value and make sure consumers see it first on your car wrap before any other information.
We have a strong design team that understands the importance of a return on investment.
It's the Empire process that will maximize the life of your wrap!
We can't give away all our secrets but we have a process that will insure you get the longest life possible out of your digital prints. With over 20 years of wrapping experience and printing our team can produce digital prints of the highest quality. It the understanding of ink saturation, ink gassing, dot patterns, color gamut, laminating, UV protection, humidity levels, & cleanliness that all contribute to or effect the quality of your digital prints. If any of these conditions are not managed correctly a the time of printing your print quality will be impacted.
Who is wrapping your wall?
Empire has been wrapping for nearly 20 years now. Our vinyl installers have been trained to not only wrap walls but wrap buildings, vehicles, windows, building columns, concrete and many other unique installations. Their experience and understanding of each manufacturers unique characteristics and applied science during the manufacturing process allows them to complete a professional wrap installation for you. 3M is our in house choice for digital vinyl and car wrap installation. Avery, Oracal & Arlon are some other top manufacturers we are also familiar with.